توضیحات این پودمان میتواند در پودمان:Citation/lang/توضیحات قرار گیرد.
local p = {} local types = { ["book_en"] = 'book', ["book_fa"] = 'کتاب', ["web_en"] = 'web', ["web_fa"] = 'وب', ["cite_en"] = 'Citation', ["cite_fa"] = 'یادکرد/هسته پودمان', ["journal_en"] = 'journal', ["journal_fa"] = 'مجله', ["encyclopedia_en"] = 'encyclopedia', ["encyclopedia_fa"] = 'دانشنامه', ["podcast_en"] = 'podcast', ["podcast_fa"] = 'پادکست', ["news_en"] = 'news', ["news_fa"] = 'خبر', ["magazine_en"] = 'magazine', ["magazine_fa"] = 'مجله', ["interview_en"] = 'interview', ["interview_fa"] = 'مصاحبه', ["arxiv_en"] = 'arXiv', ["arxiv_fa"] = 'آرکایو', ["av_en"] = 'AV media', ["av_fa"] = 'ویدئو', ["conference_en"] = 'conference', ["conference_fa"] = 'کنفرانس', ["map_en"] = 'map', ["map_fa"] = 'نقشه', }; function getlangcode(lang) -- get the code of the language if full language name is given if 3 < lang:len() then local languages = mw.loadData('پودمان:Citation/lang/data/ISO 639-1') local langCode = languages[lang] if langCode ~= nil then return langCode[1] end else return lang end end --[[ function p.testlang(frame) return getlangcode(frame.args['lang']) end ]] --[[ returns the citation template name based on the {{{زبان}}} parameter --]] function p.is_rtl(frame) cite_type = frame.args['type']; -- type of the citation template (book, web, etc.) lang = mw.ustring.lower(frame.args['lang']) -- language code lang_code = getlangcode(lang) local rtl_langs = { ['fa'] =true, ['fa-IR'] =true, ['ar'] =true, ['ur'] =true, ['he'] =true, } if lang_code == "" or lang_code == nil or rtl_langs[lang_code] then if cite_type == "cite" then return types["cite_fa"] else return "یادکرد "..types[cite_type.."_fa"].."/هسته" end else if cite_type == "cite" then return types["cite_en"] else return "Cite "..types[cite_type.."_en"] end end end --[[ returns the citation template name based on the characters in title -- function p.is_rtl2(frame) cite_type = frame.args['type']; -- type of the citation template (book, web, etc.) Title = frame.args['title'] if Title:match("[ابپتسجچحخدذرزژسشصضطظعغفقکگلمنوهی۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹۰]+") then --اگر کاراکترهای فارسی داشت if cite_type == "cite" then return types["cite_fa"] else return "یادکرد "..types[cite_type.."_fa"].."/هسته" end else if cite_type == "cite" then return types["cite_en"] else return "Cite "..types[cite_type.."_en"] end end end ]] return p